- St. Luke's University Health Network (Bethlehem, PA)
- …de nt alpa ti e nts at the highest level of PHDHP certification in accordance with 49 Pa. Code...ove wo rkme thods or pro ce du res P ar ti c ip ates in Qu ... Dental Clinic including directing front desk assistants, scheduling, claim/charge entry , and ensures quality and regulatory compliance + Perform...on public health initiatives + Ma int a ins c ompli ancewi th dep ar tm e nt… more
- St. Luke's University Health Network (Bethlehem, PA)
- …ser vi ce s to Star Community Health's de nt alpa ti e nts at the highest level of RDH certification in accordance with 49 Pa. Code | 33.205b. + De monst ra tec omp ... Mobile Van including directing front desk assistants, scheduling, claim/charge entry , and ensures quality and regulatory compliance. + Perform...on public health initiatives. + Ma int a in c ompli ancewi th dep ar tm e nt… more